Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Promised Revised Itinerary

What We Did:
Oct. 4th- 5th Arrived in India; (Much needed) Day of Rest
Oct. 6th Ministry at Women’s Fellowship in Pune
Oct. 7th Sight-seeing in Bombay
Oct. 8-10th Resting in Gurgaon
Oct. 11th Women’s Retreat in Faridibad with Aunty Sheila
Oct. 12th Ministry in song and with youth at Delhi Bible Fellowship
Oct. 13th Resting in Gurgaon; Laurel does homework, Cynthe meets Ruby, Hindu women
Oct. 14th Visit to Agra: Red Fort and Taj Mahal
Oct. 15th -16th Resting in Gurgaon: Laurel does homework; Cynthe shares Gospel with Ruby
Oct. 17th-19th Cynthe attends DBF Youth Camp
Oct. 20th Ministry with IN staff at Brajen’s home
Oct. 21st Ministry with Christian staff responsible for orphanage and leprosarium
Oct. 22nd Ministry with Two Christian women leaders disciple by Aunty Sheila
Oct. 23rd Ministry with Aunty Molly’s Bible Study
Oct. 24th Depart for LA

Friday, October 24, 2008

On Our Way Home

Hi friends!

It’s been a while, eh? Lack of electricity, a busy schedule, and no computer meant for no communication. But we are on our way home now…with hearts full, stories to share, photos to show, and souvenirs to gift.

Characteristic of our time here in India, our final event before stepping foot onto airport property was laughing hysterically together for no particular reason on our drive home from dinner. No conversation, just laughter. We’ve had many precious moments together here with our adopted Indian family.

We are two hours early for boarding our first flight to Hong Kong. After some (prayerful) negotiations with the ticket agent about Cynthe’s guitar coming on board as a carry on, and a strange, overly-friendly customs agent asking one too many questions about our stay in India, we’ve had our share of Delhi airport events. Though let us testify – our overweight luggage went by unnoticed. One of many answers to prayer – small, but not unsignificant.

We are looking forward to seeing EVERYONE. We’ve missed you all dearly! The upcoming Romans reflection service is also something we’re excited about attending. We have missed Grace!

We are also especially looking forward to testifying of all the incredible ways God has answered your prayers! There are so many we could share…too many to note here.

For those picking us up at the airport, be prepared for some crazy zombies coming off the plane some 22 hours after we post this online from Hong Kong. :)

Sadly, we’re missing India already and haven’t even left it yet! (At least at the time of writing this). Goodbyes were hard…Lakhi, Aunty Molly, Hminga, Arvind…and leaving behind Uncle Sonny…please do keep him in your prayers. He will be preaching this Sunday at DBF, and also spending some intentional discipleship time with Hminga before moving over to Aunty Sheila’s for the remainder of his stay.

One of the highlights of our final night here in Delhi was gifting a couch and two matching chairs to Hminga as a token of our deep gratitude for his hospitality in allowing us to stay in his home. Truly it is more blessed to give than to receive.

We are hoping to host an evening in the near future to share pictures, stories, and food with you all as soon as we have some time to transition back into normal life. Check your email for details…

Thank you again for all your prayers. We will be looking to thanking each of you in person because your prayers have been answered tremendously!

Friday, October 17, 2008


Hello, friends! We thought you would enjoy some pictures of our time here in India:

Take that, Andrew Braine! You're not the only one to have a monkey on your head!

Uncle with Lachi at the Taj. Lachi lives with Aunty Molly. She has been of immense help to Laurel with her math and chemistry homework, and she has also ministered to us through cooking all our meals. We have really grown to love her deeply. Having her there with us at the Taj made the trip SO much richer.

Laurel at Daily Bible Fellowship (Arvind's church). Grace contributed financially to the buiding of this church structure. Laurel and I will be spending this weekend with the DBF youth at a mini-camp at the church.

Sema, Lachi, and Indu, doing Laurel's hair. Sema, Lachi and Indu all minister to Aunty Molly and Aunty Sheila. Without these girls, the Auntys would not be able to do their ministry.

Laurel and I in Faridabad singing the Hindi version of the Lord's Prayer - Ai Hamare Bap.

The women in Faridibad that Aunty Sheila is currently discipling.

Monday, October 13, 2008

From: Laurel


It is kind of weird posting on a blog...I have never done this before.

I am so thankful for all of you. I have heard about all you prayer warriors and I am so encouraged. Praise God he is blessing our team!

I want to say first that God has kept us from sickness. We have all been extremely healthy-with not even a hint of Delhi belly. I do not know how much Cynthe told you about my eye, but God is Jehovah Rapha-the Healer. My eye is healing quickly and we will get to go to see the Taj tomorrow.

God has also given Cynthe and I a wonderful time at Arvind's church (or DBF). He spoke on the passage in Mark about the end times. The application for us now is: "Are we ready?"

As a team we have been safe. Our living arrangement has proven to be very secure and has given us a comfortable home. And believe me, my mess-in and on and around my suitcases-can testify to me appreciating being at home. With all these Hindu festivals around us as well, God has especially extended his grace to our safety. Even every day on the road, if Indians did not know how to put on their brakes at the last millisecond, we would have been pancakes on the drive from the airport to our guesthome. God is Great! His angels continue to protect us.

I want to tell how much the team has meant to me.

Uncle has a difficult task, taking care of two girls. He has been wonderful, he has been hilarious, and he has brought me closer to the Lord by his example. I am honored to be with him for three weeks and my prayer for him is that he would continue to be filled with joy and continue to live at the feet of Jesus.

Cynthe has been so gracious with me. She is a wonderful roommate! She lets me talk while she just listens and also lets me shower first...

I have been blessed with a team who is eager to serve the Lord and open to the moving of the Holy Spirit.

God Bless you all,

If you would like to email me I would absolutely love it!

My email address:


Friday, October 10, 2008

The Case of the Missing Quesadilla in Pune & Bombay

Uncle was trying to help Laurel come up with topics for her Spanish homework...the Case of the Missing Quesadilla was his suggestion. We all have discovered the "hilariousity" of Uncle. For your entertainment, we will post the Spanish story when it has been completed.


Our first impression of Pune: the streets were lined with school children cheering in celebration of the upcoming Commonwealth Youth Games. Our hostess, Serena, joked that they were all there to welcome us...

We were well taken care of in Pune by Uncle's nephew, Arun and his family, Serena, Neha (18) and Natasha (15). Serena especially blessed us with her gracious hospitality, and Cynthe and Laurel appreciated getting to know Neha as well. Arun and Neha gave us a splendid tour of Pune before dinner with the family where we met Aunty Dolly. We enjoyed a time of fellowship together before heading back to the YMCA where we were staying.

Close by the YMCA is a mosque - we were exposed to our first Call to Prayer here - and call us to prayer it did.

The following morning (Wednesday) we headed out to the WINN Counseling Center for a time of ministry with about 15 women that Serena disciples. Cynthe led in worship, and Laurel followed with a word of encouragement that truly blessed the women, particuarly the two younger girls who were there. After singing Ai Hamare Bap (The Lord's Prayer in Hindi), Cynthe spoke from Matthew 1, meditating on the lives of the five women mentioned in the genealogy of Christ. She encouraged the women to live faithfully to the Lord in whatever their circumstances, trusting that God was using them for His purposes, even when they cannot see the fruit of their obedience. Afterward, we enjoyed a time of fellowship over a delicious meal.

(Cynthe speaking:) The women all shared how much this particular Bible study meant to them - it reminded me of Grace Groups. I was impressed with their hunger for the Word, and their love for one another. As Serena shared, the women came from a wide variety of church backgrounds, some of the women in ministry as well. This particular group was a place where they all could receive from the Word together. It was a honor to be a part of their fellowship for a day.

We enjoyed a two-hour (plus?) taxi ride to Bombay from Pune where we spent the night at the YMCA International House of Bombay. Characteristic of the religious diversity of India, both a Muslim center and a Methodist building were adjacent to the front gate of the YMCA.

Laurel and Cynthe enjoyed some worship, photography, and tossing some glow-in-the-dark bracelets over the 5th story balcony wall to some unsuspecting passerbyers. :)

The YMCA had quite the international flavor - Laurel walked into the dining hall and observed to us, "So many white people!!"

The following morning (Thursday), Uncle's friend Padmani took us on a generous full day tour of the city of Bombay. The streets were initially quite empty of traffic due to the fact that Thursday was a Hindu Festival, Navratri - which means nine nights. However, over the course of the day, the streets filled up with celebrants, and in the evening, truckloads after truckloads of young men drove down to the beach where they would toss their idols into the sea. We definitely got a taste of a Hindu holiday.

We are now enjoying back in Delhi a day of rest (for Uncle and Cynthe - poor Laurel has been plugging away at her homework). Tomorrow, we will head to Faridabad where Aunty Shiela lives, to minister at a women's retreat. Uncle will stay on through Sunday, and Cynthe and Laurel will head back to Delhi to participate in the worship service at Daily Bible Fellowship (Arvind's church).

A few praises:
-for sweet fellowship in worship, prayer and time in the Word together as a team
-God has kept us in good health, and protected us inspite of trouble around the country.

Please join us in prayer for:
-our upcoming times of ministry in Faridabad and DBF.
-discernment in knowing how to best minister to people here.
-that Laurel's homework load would not be a stress or distraction.

Praise God for His continual grace in all our lives. Thank you for praying for us - we are sincerely grateful. We are praying as well for you all.

With love,
Uncle Sonny, Laurel and Cynthe

Monday, October 6, 2008

Tuesday, October 6th

From Cynthe:

Greetings from Gurgeon, New Delhi!

We are here, safe and sound, now into our second full day in India, and having gotten enough sleep to be well rested at last! We have been so grateful for the hospitality of Aunty Molly, Lacki, Indu and Minga. They have taken good care of us - and we have greatly enjoyed getting to know them a little more in our two days.

This morning we fly out to Pune (120 miles south of Bombay/Mumbai). We are looking forward to fellowshipping with some women in a counseling center that Aunty Sheila has been ministering. Laurel and I will sing, Laurel will share her testimony and I will share from Matthew 1. Tomorrow we'll enjoy a morning of sight-seeing.

I personally have been deeply humbled in hearing the stories of God at work through the Aunty's lives. These Massey sisters are incredible women of God, with steadfast faith, humility, deep love and compassion for others, and a Gospel-orientation in their lives that deeply challenges me. It seems each person we meet boasts of the incredible influence the Massey sisters have had in their lives. God is truly at work in powerful ways here.

Persecution is at large, though. Aunty Molly told us yesterday morning about a man, Pastor Isaac, whose church was just two kilometers from her home, who was beaten and his church destroyed, because of his faith in Christ. Please pray with me for him and his family - and others in their community who now face greater fears of persecution than they have previously known.

We are safe from the violence - the Auntys are extra-cautious about where we are allowed to travel. Yet the violence is real. Pray for the safety of the Auntys and all the believers here in India. This kind of persecution is unprecendented.

I look forward to being able to share more when we get back from Pune. Thank you all for your prayers! We continue to feel God's strength in our team unity, in our health (not one of us has gotten Delhi belly yet!) and in our overall well-being thus far. We have been continuing to pray that God would make our presence a blessing, and a demonstration of His strength and love to those around us.

May the riches of His grace be yours in Christ,
Cynthe on behalf of the Team